Location is Ursy’s Enchanted Woodland Cottage at 958 Saigon Road, McLean, VA 22102 OR virtually via Zoom
Join us for our Final Chord Cutting Ceremony at Bonita’s woodland house, before we close the doors and go forward on our various paths. Bonita’s Guides and her beloved Akashic Librarians will channel through her body to lead tonight’s ceremony. The Librarians have prepared a special blessing to share with all who attend.
Love can never be severed, but sometimes it is twined with sadder emotions and baser energies. This can make Love and connecting with those you love, painful. Non-Love can crowd out your Lightness of Being and fill you with Despair. This is NOT how we are created to be!
Releasing non-love and claiming full-love into your being is a powerful act personal of magic. Tonight we will connect with Earth, the Moon, the Universe and All Dimensions to become our support network for your Joyous State and amplifier of your Beauteous Being. Join us in using the power of All to examine the energetic connections of your relationships. Learn to enjoy, amplify, diminish or sever these various energetic chords as it suits your needs. We will use the energy of All to create the life experience that we desire.
Tonight we will link Earth Magic to the Skies and welcome the Universe to connect with our planet, Source to merge with Gaia, All to become One. Gaze up to the skies and you see the gloriously glowing circle of Moon. Glance down upon the night lake and you will see Moon again looking back to you. Beneath the water surface, our Earth joins us with looking to and reflecting the stars, then continuing ever inward, through variations of solid matter, down to Earth's Core, an Inward Star that speaks with all the Suns and Angels that dance through the Cosmos.
Tonight we become One with All of Earth's Magical Creatures, and connect with all the Universe and Dimensions. We will enter the beautiful State of One. We will ask All for guidance with our Soulful Journey to Charge our Emotional and Energetic Beings and to Release All That Does Not Serve Us. Weather permitting, we will move outdoors to end the evening with a Fire Ceremony to burn and release all we have cleaved from our souls and a Seed Ceremony to nourish all that we wish to inspire within our being.
This workshop is a combination of educational material, guided meditation and Shamanic Spirit Journey. You will learn how to continue this chord cleansing process on your own as well as to repeat the Cord Cutting Ceremony for yourself as needed. Tonight’s channeled session will be recorded and loaded to the Bonita Woods YouTube channel, where you can return to this experience anytime you wish.
We always allow time for sharing for those who choose. This is a wonderful, safe, and loving environment. No one is ever required to share, but you will find many answers and commonalities will be there between us.
This event starts at 7 PM. Doors open at 6:30. We have some chairs. You are welcome to bring your yoga mat or overstuffed floor pillow. We have packed most of our house. Only the portals remain, awaiting tonight’s ceremony.
Bio: Bonita Woods (author of The Akashic Adventures book series)Bonita was born with full memory of her entire existence, including all her lives and her time between lives. She is a PranaShakthi Master Teacher and Director of PranaShakthi Global Academy. Bonita weaves this powerful and ancient Hindu practice with her Shamanic roots and ability to travel through dimensions. Additionally, Bonita is a Soul Realignment Healer and experienced Akashic Record Reader and Akashic Healer. With over 50 years of experience of visiting her personal Akashic Record, Bonita has learned multiple techniques and attunements for working with the Akasha as well as other dimensions of both Higher and Lower Plains.Since childhood, Bonita has naturally created inter-dimensional portals wherever she is. From the start of this life, she visits the Akasha, as well as other Realms of Existence, almost daily. Bonita is happy to share the knowledge gleaned from her accrued years of Extraordinary Experiences with you! Learn more at www.BonitaWoods.org and www.youtube.com/@BonitaWoods